More flow from the spray pump allows for faster application speeds and/or higher rates. More flow also ensures that there is adequate agitation to keep you tank mixed properly throughout the spray job.
We have three pump upgrade options depending on your equipment and your needs.
Toro® Models 5600/5700 (Centrifugal)
- The centrifugal pump kit has the highest flow rate but it is not recommended for sprayers that use a hose reel to supply a walking boom
- 80 gpm max and 80 psi max
Toro® Models 5600/5700 (Diaphragm)
- The diaphragm pump kit is an amped up version of the original pump giving 75% more flow at the same pressure
- 33 gpm max and 290 psi max
Toro® Models MP1250 (Diaphragm)
- The diaphragm pump kit is an amped up version of the original pump giving 50% more flow at the same pressure
- 27 gpm max and 290 psi max